Complaints and reports

Your opinion is important to us; with the form below you can submit a complaint or a suggestion to our company.

Fill in all the fields and send your message. Our staff will contact you via e-mail or with the phone number you have provided.

Reports may be submitted to the Transport Regulatory Authority, in compliance with Regulation (EU) no. 181/2011 regarding the rights of passengers who travel by bus and coach (N.B.: only after a complaint has been submitted to BONELLI BUS and ninety days after it has been sent), by registered mail to the following address: Via Nizza n.230, 10126 - Torino, or by e-mail to one of the following e-mail addresses:

or by using the appropriate online access (SiTe) that is available on the Authority's website.

For further information please see

Mandatory in the case of a complaint